Company Name

Apple Inc

Market Segment Icon

Market Data URL (linked to Yahoo! Finance Charts)




IEX Last Trade

Data Last Updated

Market Capitalization

$ 3,493,260,000,000

P/E Ratio


Lastest Market Price

Lastest Market Price
$ 227.81

Change ($)

$ 1.47

Change (%)

0.65 %

Notes / Rationale for Inclusion

Of general interest. One of the largest tech companies in the world. While 500 Foods doesn't directly depend on Apple for any of its activities, the ubuiquity of iPhones and iPads and other technologies mean that any software or systems that we produce must maintain at a minimum at least some level of interoperability. As fans of Apple, however, we strive, where feasible, to design systems that work well with Apple's technology ecosystems.